IsRestricted Method (.NET)


This method is used to determine whether a visitor is coming in from a country marked as restricted.


 bIsRestricted = chObj.IsRestricted()

Returns true if the CountryObj represents a country marked as restricted in the file.

bIsRestricted = chObj.IsRestricted(string countryCodeList )

Returns true if the CountryObj represents a country that matches any of the specified country codes in the countryCodeList parameter. If specified, this parameter must contain one or more two-letter country codes separated by spaces.


The immutable CountryObj instance for a particular IP address.

VB.NET Example:

dim chObj as CountryObj = CountryObj.GetCountry()

Response.Write("Your country is ")

if (chObj.IsRestricted() = false)

Response.Write("NOT ")

end if


C# Example:

CountryObj chObj = CountryObj.GetCountry();

Response.Write("Your country is ");

if (chObj.IsRestricted() == false)

Response.Write("NOT ");


Note: See the ch_restricted_vb.aspx sample for more information.