RegionStats RegionName Method

This method returns the region name associated with a region code.


 RegionName = chRegionStatsObj.RegionName regionCode

regionCode: This must contain a valid region code for the region you wish to obtain the region display name for. See Defining Regions for information on valid region codes.


Returns the display name for the region code. For example, "North America" is returned for the region code "northamerica".



set chRegionStatsObj = Server.CreateObject("cyScape.RegionStats ")

regionName = chRegionStatsObj.RegionName("westerneurope")

response.write "Region name: " & regionName %>

Note: Use of this method requires the Enterprise Edition of CountryHawk.

See Also:

CountryHawk Object Properties and Methods

CountryStats Object Properties and Methods

CountryHawk Object RegionName Method