This property represents the total number of hits for all countries combined. This property is especially useful for calculating the percentage of hits a particular country represents (total hits for country of interest / total hits for all countries).
total = chStatsObj.Total
Returns the date and time the statistics collection initially started.
VB.NET Example:
dim ctyStats as new CountryStats()
Response.Write("So far there have been " + ctyStats.Total.ToString())
Response.Write(" total hits across all countries.")
C# Example:
CountryStats ctyStats = new CountryStats();
Response.Write("So far there have been " + ctyStats.Total.ToString());
Response.Write(" total hits across all countries.");
Note: See the ch_hitsByCountry_vb.aspx sample for more information.
Note: This property is only available in the Enterprise Edition of CountryHawk.
Note: This property is read-only.