The BrowserHawk To-Go Template library is a collection of common tests and styles for use with the BHTG service. You can use these tests and styles as-is, or customize as desired.
Quick index:
Pre-configured Tests
There are a number of pre-configured tests you can use right "out of the box" without having to upload or configure
anything on the BHTG server. If these tests do not meet your specific needs, you can simply create your own by
downloading the test (XML format), updating its content as desired, and then uploading the new test to your
account on the BHTG server.
Customizing a test gives you full control and flexibility in what tests are performed, the order
of the tests, and the output/messages you wish to display based on pass, fail, and warning conditions.
To use a custom test you use "customtest=xxx" to the link (instead of "test=xxx"), where xxx is the name of the
XML file you uploaded.
The following is a listing of pre-configured tests available for you to choose from:

Test A1: Browser, Platform, Cookies, JS, Screen, Flash, Country, IP

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Availability: All service plans

This test displays details about the users browser and version, platform, whether cookies and JavaScript are enabled, screen size (i.e. 1024x768), whether the Flash plug-in is installed and if so its version number, the country in which the user is located, and their IP address.
Note that the purpose of this test is to display the values of these properties, and therefore no rule conditions are applied (there are no conditions that trigger pass, fail, or warning messages).
Tip: The std1-nocol2 style is specified to suppress the 2nd column that normally contains
the pass/fail/warn/info label and icon. This is suppressed because for this test all items are "Info" so including this column in the output serves no purpose.
Link syntax:

Test A2: IE 6+, FF2+, Cookies, JS, Platform

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Availability: All service plans

This test checks whether the user is using either IE 6 or higher, or Firefox 2 or higher, and if not, displays a failure notice stating that the browser is not supported. Cookies are also checked, and if disabled, a failure notice is provided stating that cookies must be enabled, along with instructions specific to their browser on how to enable cookies. A "Show Me" link is also provided that plays a short video clip demonstrating how to enable cookies. JavaScript is also checked and if disabled a failure notice is displayed. The user's platform is also displayed.
Link syntax:

Test A3: IE 6+, Cookies, JS, Platform

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Availability: All service plans

This test is identical to Test A2, except the browser requirement allows for only IE 6+.
Link syntax:

Test A4: IE 6+, FF 1.5+, Cookies, JS, Platform

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Availability: All service plans

This test is identical to Test A2, except the browser requirement allows for IE 6+ or FF 1.5+.
Link syntax:

Test A5: IE 6+, FF 1.5+, Safari 1.2+, Cookies, JS, Platform

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Availability: All service plans

This test is identical to Test A2, except the browser requirement allows for IE 6+, FF 1.5+, or Safari 1.2+.
Link syntax:

Test A6: IE 6+, FF 1.5+, Safari 1.2+, Opera 9+, Cookies, JS, Platform

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Availability: All service plans

This test is identical to Test A2, except the browser requirement allows for IE 6+, FF 1.5+, Safari 1.2+, or Opera 9+.
Link syntax:

Test A7: IE 6+, FF 2+, Safari 2+, Opera 9+, Cookies, JS, Platform

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Availability: All service plans

This test is identical to Test A2, except the browser requirement allows for IE 6+, FF 2+, Safari 2+, or Opera 9+.
Link syntax:

Test A8: IE 7+, FF 2+, Cookies, JS, Platform

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Availability: All service plans

This test is identical to Test A2, except the browser requirement allows only IE 7+ and FF 2+. Users of IE 6 or earlier will receive a warning prompting them to upgrade to IE 7 along with a link to download the latest version of IE.
Link syntax:

Test B1: IE 6+, FF 2+, Cookies, JS, Flash 9+, Broadband, Screen, Platform

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Availability: Basic, Pro or Adv service plan

This test includes many popular properties for ensuring a successful web experience for sites that use Flash.
The browser must be IE 6+ or FF 2+, with cookies and JavaScript enabled, and have the Flash plug-in version 9 or higher.
If Flash 9+ is not available, a link to the latest Flash player is provided. Users on a dial-up connection receive a notice
stating that for the best experience please use a broadband connection if possible. Users with a screen size below
1024x768 receive a recommendation to use a larger screen size.
Link syntax:

Test B2: IE 6+, FF 2+, Safari 2+, Opera 9+, Cookies, JS, Flash 9+, Broadband, Screen, Platform

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Availability: Basic, Pro or Adv service plan

This test is identical to Test B2 except that the supported browsers are IE 6+, FF 2+, Safari 2+, and Opera 9+.
Link syntax:

Test B3: IE 6+, FF 2+, Safari 2+, Opera 9+, Cookies, JS, Acrobat 9+, Screen, Platform

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Availability: Basic, Pro or Adv service plan

This test helps ensure a successful web experience for sites that require the Acrobat plugin.
The browser must be IE 6+, FF 2+, Safari 2+, or Opera 9+ and have the Acrobat plug-in version 8 or higher.
If Acrobat is not installed or outdated, the user is notified and a link to get Acrobat 8 is provided.
Also checked are cookies, JavaScript, and the screen size to ensure at least 1024x768.
Link syntax:

Test B4: IE 6+, FF 2+, Safari 2+, Opera 9+, Cookies, JS, Java version and vendor, Screen, Platform

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Availability: Basic, Pro or Adv service plan

This test ensures the browser is IE 6+, FF 2+, Safari 2+, or Opera 9+ and that Java 1.5 or higher is installed.
The Java vendor information is also displayed.
If Java is not installed or is outdated, a link is provided to download the latest version.
Also checked are cookies, JavaScript, and the screen size to ensure at least 1024x768.
Link syntax:

Test B5: IE 6+, FF 2+, Safari 2+, Opera 9+, Cookies, JS, Broadband, Connection speed, Screen, Platform

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Availability: Basic, Pro or Adv service plan

This test ensures the browser is IE 6+, FF 2+, Safari 2+, or Opera 9+ and that the user has a broadband connection
with at least 3Mbps throughput. If the speed is between 1-3Mbps the user receives a message stating that the speed
is acceptable, but for best results 3Mpbs or higher is recommended. If the speed is less than 1Mbps a warning is provided.
Likewise the type of connection (broadband vs. dial-up) is also displayed and users on dial-up receive a notice suggesting
the user of broadband for best results.
Link syntax:

Test B6: IE 6+, FF 2+, Safari 2+, Opera 9+, Cookies, JS, Flash 9+, Broadband, Screen, Popups, Platform

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Availability: Basic, Pro or Adv service plan

This test is identical to Test B2 except that it also checks whether the user has pop-ups enabled in their browser.
If not, instructions are provided for enabling popups.
Link syntax:

Test C1 (Blackboard): IE 6+, FF 1.5+, Cookies, JS, Screen, Flash, Acrobat, Java, Popups

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Availability: Pro and Adv service plans

This test checks to see if the user's browser and system is compatible with Blackboard and most Learning Management Systems. It checks that the user has IE 6+ or FF 1.5+, with cookies and JavaScript enabled,
warns if the screen size is less than 1024x768, warns if Flash 9+ is not installed and provides help for getting it in if needed, warns if Acrobat is not installed and provides help for getting it if needed, checks to
make sure Java 1.5+ is installed and provides help for getting it if needed, and checks whether pop-ups are not blocked and provides help if so.
Link syntax:

Test C2: IE 6+, FF 2+, Safari 2+, Opera 9+, Cookies, JS, Connection speed, Broadband, Java version and vendor, Screen, Platform

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Availability: Pro or Adv service plan

This test is a combination of Test B4 and Test B5 (combining the connection speed and type details with the Java checks).
Link syntax:

Test C3: Provides info on 30 properties including Browser, ConnectionSpeed, Screen, cookies, JS, Popups, Plug-ins, Language, local time and more

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Availability: Pro and Adv service plans

This test checks 30 different popular properties including browser type and version, screen size and color depth, connection speed, Flash, Acrobat, Media Player and several other plug-ins, blocked popups, country of origin, SSL key size, language setings, local time, and more.
Link syntax:

Test D1: Provides info on 50+ properties including Browser, ConnectionSpeed, Screen, cookies, JS, Popups, and Plug-ins

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Availability: Adv service plan

This test checks over 50 different popular properties including browser type and version, screen size and color depth, connection speed, Flash, Acrobat, Media Player and several other plug-ins, blocked popups, proxies, country of origin, language preferences, local time and time zone differenes, SSL info and more.
Link syntax:

Test D2: Provides info on 50+ properties including Browser, ConnectionSpeed, Screen, cookies, JS, Popups, Plug-ins, plus Java and OS details

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Availability: Adv service plan

This test is identical to Test D1 except it also includes details on the user's Java settings including JavaVendor, JavaVersion, MSJVMBuild, and the Java plug-in version. It
also includes additional operating system details such as the OS name, OS architecture, and OS details. Note that these tests are fairly aggressive in that it can take
a couple of seconds (and perhaps longer for users on old computers). Therefore this test is only recommended if this additional data is of particular importance to you.
Link syntax:

Customized Tests
Don't see a pre-configured test that meets your specific needs? No worries - you can very easily roll your own!
Choose from nearly 150 different properties you want to test, choose the order of the tests, the values for each test that are considered "pass", "fail", "warn" and "info" conditions,
and the exact messages you want to display to the user accordingly. Do all this without writing a single line of code. Just edit a XML file and upload it to your BHTG account. It's that simple.

Pre-configured Styles
There are a number of pre-configured styles you can also use right "out of the box" without having to upload or configure
anything on the BHTG server. If these styles do not meet your needs, you can create your own.
To use a standard style, you simply reference the desired style using "style=xxx" in your link, where xxx equals the name of the style.
If no style is specified, the std1 style is used by default.
To create and use your own style, download one of the pre-configured stylesheets (.css format), update its content as desired, and then upload it to your
account on the BHTG server. You then add "customstyle=xxx" to your link, where xxx equals the file name of the stylesheet you uploaded, instead of "style=xxx".

Style "std1": [Try it!] [Download]
This style uses standard icons such as a check mark for pass, an exclamation point for warnings, an "x" for failures, and an "i" for informational messages.
Link syntax:

Style "edu": [Try it!] [Download]
This style is appealing for use with e-learning applications. The icons for pass, fail, warn, and info are color coded "cap and gowns".
Link syntax:

Style "smilely": [Try it!] [Download]
This style uses color coded faces for the pass, fail, warn, and info icons. For instance, a pass condition displays a green smilely face, whereas a fail condition displays a red face with a frown.
Link syntax:

Customized Styles
Don't see a pre-configured style that meets your specific needs? No worries - you can very easily roll your own!
Choose the headings, the labels used for "pass", "fail", "warn", and "info" conditions, and choose your colors, fonts, styles, backgrounds, graphics, images - everything! That's right. The entire
look and feel of the test results window (and even the window size itself) is completely controllable by you. Simply define the
styles you want using a stylesheet and upload it to your account on the BHTG server.