RegionNameFromCountryCode Method

This method returns the region name for a given country code, according to how the regions are defined.


 regionName = chObj.RegionNameFromCountryCode countryCode

countryCode: This parameter must contain a valid two-letter country code


Returns the region name associated with the country whose two-letter country code is specified. This method is provided for convenience. The same information can be obtained by creating an instance of the RegionStats object and calling the RegionName method.



set chObj = Server.CreateObject("cyScape.countryObj")

regionName = chObj.RegionNameFromCountryCode "UK"

'the above returns "Western Europe"

response.write "Region name for the UK is: " & regionName %>


See Also:

About the Properties and Methods Guide

CountryCode property

RegionCode Property

IPAddr property

Initialize method

CountryName method

RegionName Method

GetSelectList method

IsValidIP method

RegionNameFromCountryCode Method

IsInList method

About the sample scripts

CountryStats Object Properties and Methods

RegionStats Object Properties and Methods