Instantly detects country of origin with great speed and accuracy
CountryHawk instantly identifies the country of origin of every web visitor. Over 240 countries and 4 billion IP addresses are covered with over 98% accuracy.
Automatically tracks statistics on visits by country and region
CountryHawk automatically tracks total page requests made by country and region in real-time. These statistics are far more accurate than what's available elsewhere.
Operates using a self-contained, memory resident database
CountryHawk uses a memory-resident database and is fully self-contained. This provides for instant lookups, with no reverse-DNS or other outside connections.
Integrates seamlessly with your existing web site in just minutes
Available as a native .NET, ActiveX, and Java component, CountryHawk is perfectly suited for ASP.NET, classic ASP, ColdFusion MX, and JSP sites.
Provides enterprise-class scalability and performance
CountryHawk is built from the ground up for extreme performance, and is used extensively by many of the world's largest companies.
Extensive documentation, samples and highly responsive technical support
BrowserHawk ships with extensive documentation and dozens of samples that can be reused. And our technical support is simply outstanding.