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Can I reuse my browscap code with BrowserHawk?
Created: 11/25/2000    Updated: 1/27/2001
Q   I already have a significant amount of code written around using the Microsoft component and browscap.ini. Is this code reusable or do I have to rewrite my pages to use BrowserHawk?

A   BrowserHawk is specifically designed to be 100% backward compatible with all code written around the MS browser capabilities component! Therefore to make the switch from using browscap to BrowserHawk, you simply install BrowserHawk and change all instances of "MSWC.BrowserType" in your scripts to "cyScape.browserObj" - it's that simple!

You can even use a global search and replace program if you have one to do this in a matter of seconds. This essentially unplugs the MS component and plugs in the full power of BrowserHawk in its place. If for some reason you want to switch back to using the MS component, you simply change these class strings back to the way they were with no harm done.

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