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What's the difference between the download with and without Windows Installer?
Created: 2/27/2002    Updated: 6/27/2002
Q   I am trying to decide which version of CountryHawk to download - the one with the Windows Installer or the one without it. Which is best suited for me?

A   CountryHawk uses the Microsoft Windows Installer technology to provide the most efficient install and uninstall operations.

Windows ME, Windows 2000, and Windows XP

These operating systems ship with Windows Installer on the machine by default. If you are installing CountryHawk on a machine running one of these operating systems, then you should download the version of CountryHawk without Windows Installer because it is a smaller download (about 4 MB smaller).

If you have a broadband connection and don't mind the extra few MB in size, you can still download the version with the Windows Installer if you want. In that case, CountryHawk will pre-install the latest version of Windows Installer if not already on your machine. But that is optional and a matter of preference.

Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0

These operating systems do not ship with Windows Installer on the machine by default. It is possible, however, that another application installed previously on your machine already installed the Windows Installer run-time. If you do not have Windows Installer on your machine, or are not sure if you do, it's best to download the version of CountryHawk with the Windows Installer run-time.

In this case, CountryHawk will install the latest version of the Windows Installer on your machine, if not already installed, prior to running the CountryHawk installation.

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