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How do I deploy CountryHawk for .NET manually?
Created: 9/27/2005    Updated: 4/4/2007
Q   Rather than running the installation program, is there a way I can deploy CountryHawk for .NET manually.

A   Yes, in fact if your web site is hosted on another server then deploying manually is typically the best option. This is because CountryHawk can be easily deployed via copying files to your bin directory as described below.

Manual installation of CountryHawk for .NET

    1. Install a copy of CountryHawk on your local system using the automated installer.
    2. Add a Reference to the CountryHawk.dll file to your web project. If you want IntelliSense support you should add the CountryHawk.xml file to your bin directory as well.
    3. Copy the following files from your local installation of CountryHawk to the \bin directory on your remote server:
      • CountryHawk.dll
      • your license key* (format is "your name.lic" or ch_evalkey.lic for evals)
      • countries.cdd

    4. On the remote server, edit the file to change the value of the "license.file" entry to match the name of your license key file. For example: "license.file=Bob_Smith_ENT.lic". If you are using an evaluation license key named ch_evalkey.lic you can skip this step, since the file defaults to this file name for evaluations.
    5. Optional: To verify a successful installation, copy one of the ASP.NET samples from your local installation to a web directory/application associated with the bin directory you copied the above files to on the remote server and run the sample.
* Attention ISPs / Hosting companies: In accordance with the license agreement you may not place a copy of your license file in a directory that is readable/accessible by your customers, such as their bin directory, unless the customer owns the license and provided it to you. See the note in the file near the license.key attribute for detailed instructions on how to install the key in an alternate location (a location other than their bin dir) that is not accessible to your customers.

Licensing: Please remember that BrowserHawk is licensed on a per server basis. If you plan to install BrowserHawk on any new servers using the techniques described in this document you will need additional licenses for those servers.

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