Detect all IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, Mozilla and hundreds of other browsers |
Detect iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Andriod , Blackberry, Pre and hundreds of other mobile devices |
Detect hundreds of search engines and crawlers |
Native support for 32 and 64 bit operating systems |
Detect installed Microsoft .NET CLR and version |
GUI based Editor for viewing/customizing browser definitions |
Integration with Visual Studio and other IDEs |
Detect 80+ properties including platform, DHTML, XML, StyleSheets, FileUpload, and more |
Perform reverse DNS lookups |
Detect mobile devices and PDAs |
Detect SSL key size (i.e. 40 Vs. 128 bit) from HTTPS pages |
Detect Cross-origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support level |
Detect default TLS version and maximum supported TLS version |
Integration with CountryHawk (requires CountryHawk, available separately) |
Detect disabled cookies |
Detect disabled images |
Detect when IE is run in High Security mode |
Automatic browser definition updates |
Detect disabled JavaScript and disabled Java applets |
Detect Flash, Acrobat, Silverlight, MediaPlayer, Shockwave, RealPlayer, Quicktime, Adobe SVG, and Authorware plug-ins |
Detect blocked Flash |
Detect screen size, browser window size and color depth |
Detect broadband Vs. dial-up connections |
Detect user's download connection speed in bits per second and latency in milliseconds |
Detect browser local time and time zone difference between client and server |
Detect language of user and OS |
Easily generate JSON and XML representation of BH results |
Detect Font Smoothing setting in control panel |
DashCache for maximum performance |
Automatic caching and retrieval of BH results to the user's session (Automatic Session Caching) |
Rules Enforcement Technology (RET) |
Tracking and reporting of actual page load times for all visitors (PLT technology) |
Detect user's upload connection speed in bits per second and upload latency in milliseconds |
Interface with external browser tests and custom JS execution (expandable API) |
Automatically log JavaScript errors users encounter on your site |
Real-time, unique browser statistics not available with any other web reporting software |
Automatic logging of all statistics to your database with no programming required |
Detect blocked popups |
Detect installed fonts |
Detect disabled ActiveX controls and disabled VBScript |
Detect disabled / blocked TLS or incompatible TLS versions |
Detect blocked 3rd party websites and or 3rd party content |
Detect disabled HTML5 Web Storage |
Detect IE 8 and higher browsers running in IE Compatibility View mode |
Detect JVM version and Java vendor |
Detect build number of installed Microsoft JVM dll |
Detect operating system bit size and browser bit size (32 vs 64 bit) |
Detect service pack (i.e. ";SP2;Q271292") and browser build (i.e. 6,0,2462,0) |
Detect detailed operating system version information, including Mac OS X versions |
Enhanced connection speed testing to finely control the balance between testing time and accuracy of results |
Download time estimator automatically calculates the download time for a specified file based on user's connection speed |
Detect JavaScript and VBScript build numbers (i.e. 5.6.6012) |
Detect SSL key size without requiring a separate HTTPS page for testing |
Detect firewalls, proxy settings, and blocked ports |
Detect iPIX, Crystal Reports, Citrix ICA, Viewpoint, MapGuide, and Java plug-ins |
Detect custom plug-ins |
Detect View->Text Size setting in IE 5+ |
Detect minimum Windows Installer version |
Detect Microsoft XML parser version |
Detect Microsoft NetMeeting build number |
Real-time monitoring of internal DashCache parameters for optimizing component speed |