It is highly recommended that you use the automated installation program to install CountryHawk. However, in some cases, such as if your web server is hosted by a third party, your only option may be to install the component manually.
1. Create a new subdirectory (name of your choice) a directory on your web server configured to run ASP scripts.
2. Find the following files from a local installation of CountryHawk and copy them into the directory you created in step 1:
· cyCountry.dll
· countries.cdd
· ch_evalkey.lic or your purchased license key, in the format of ch_your_name.lic
3. Register the cycapesvr.dll using regsvr32 or suitable alternative that may be provided by your hosting provider
4. Edit your file and add a line that says "license.file=xxxxxx", where xxxx is the name of your evaluation or purchased license key file. For example, "license.file=ch_evalkey.lic" or "license.file=ch_my_name.lic".
5. Create or try a test page which uses the CountryHawk component to verify a successful installation. If the page complains about inadequate permissions when trying to use the object, consult the documentation under the Required Permissions topic.
1. Find the following files from a local installation of CountryHawk and copy them into the bin subdirectory of your ASP.NET web application:
· CountryHawk.dll
· countries.cdd
· ch_evalkey.lic or your purchased license key, in the format of ch_your_name.lic
2. Edit your file and add a line that says "license.file=xxxxxx", where xxxx is the name of your evaluation or purchased license key file. For example, "license.file=ch_evalkey.lic" or "license.file=ch_my_name.lic".
3. Create or try a test page which uses the CountryHawk component to verify a successful installation. If the page complains about inadequate permissions when trying to use the object, consult the documentation under the Required Permissions topic.
Note: Please remember that CountryHawk is licensed on a per server basis. If you plan to install CountryHawk on any new servers using the techniques described in this this section you will need additional licenses for those servers.
See Also: